What is LiAlH4? Important knowledge about LiAlH4.

  1. Definition of LiAlH4
    LiAlH4, also known as Lithium aluminium hydride in English, is a white, odorless solid with a molecular weight of 37.95 g/mol. This substance has a molecular structure consisting of 1 lithium ion (Li+) and 1 aluminium hydride ion (AlH4-) combined. The AlH4- ion is the main ion in the structure of LiAlH4.

  2. Properties of LiAlH4
    LiAlH4 has the following physical properties: it is a solid, white, odorless substance and does not have a specific PH value because it is a solid organic substance. In terms of chemical properties, LiAlH4 is a strong reducing agent, which can react with water and air to produce H2.

  3. Common chemical equations involving LiAlH4
    LiAlH4 frequently participates in the reduction reactions of organic compounds such as esters, amides, aldehydes, ketones, organic acids.

  4. Synthesis of LiAlH4
    In the laboratory, LiAlH4 can be synthesized from the reaction of LiH with AlCl3. Industrially, it is usually produced by reducing AlCl3 with NaH at high temperatures, then adding LiCl to generate LiAlH4.

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