What is Li3N? Important knowledge about Li3N.

  1. Definition of Li3N
    1.1 Names
    1.1.1 Common name: Lithium Nitride
    1.1.2 English name: Lithium Nitride
    1.2. Atomic composition: Li3N consists of 3 Lithium atoms and 1 Nitrogen atom.
    1.3. Atomic mass: The atomic mass of Li3N is 34.83 g/mol.
    1.3.1 Molecular structure: Li3N molecule is formed from the combination of Lithium and Nitrogen atoms.
    1.4 Ionic structure: Li3N consists of 3 Li⁺ ions and 1 N³⁻ ion.

  2. Properties of Li3N
    2.1 Physical properties of Li3N
    State: Li3N is solid at room temperature.
    Color: This substance is red or purple-red.
    Smell: Li3N does not have a characteristic smell.
    PH level: Li3N is strongly alkaline.
    2.2 Chemical properties of Li3N: Li3N reacts strongly with water and oxidizing agents.

  3. Common chemical equations with Li3N:
    Metal reaction: None.
    Acid reaction: Li3N + 6HCl -> 3LiCl + NH3
    Non-metal reaction: Li3N + H2O -> 3LiOH + NH3
    Reaction with salts: None.

  4. Synthesis of Li3N
    4.1 Lab synthesis of Li3N: Li3N is synthesized from the reaction between Nitrogen and Lithium at high temperatures.
    2Li + N2 -> Li3N
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of Li3N: In industry, Lithium Nitride is usually produced by increasing the temperature up to 600°C and pressure up to 23000 atm in a special apparatus so that Lithium and Nitrogen can combine.

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