What is Li2WO4? Important knowledge about Li2WO4.

  1. Definition of Li2WO4

Li2WO4, or Lithium Tungstate, is a colorless compound of lithium and tungsten. In the formula Li2WO4, we see 2 lithium atoms, 1 tungsten atom, and 4 oxygen atoms.

The atomic mass of lithium is 6.94 atomic mass units, of tungsten is 183.84, and of oxygen is 16. This shows that the atomic mass of Li2WO4 is 287.76.

The ionic structure of Li2WO4 consists of 2 positive lithium ions and 1 negative tungstate ion. In the tungstate ion, the tungsten atom is bonded with 4 oxygen atoms to form a polyatomic ion.

  1. Properties of Li2WO4

Li2WO4 is mainly a colorless, odorless white solid with a neutral PH. It is insoluble in water but can dissolve in acid.

The chemical properties of Li2WO4 relate to its interactions with other substances. It can react with strong acids to produce lithium ions and tungstate ions.

  1. Chemical Equation of Li2WO4

Li2WO4 is mainly used in reactions with acids. For example, when reacting with sulfuric acid, Li2WO4 will produce H2SO4 and Li2SO4. In addition, it can also react with nonmetals like chlorine to form LiCl and WO3.

  1. Synthesis of Li2WO4

Li2WO4 is usually synthesized in the laboratory by combining lithium and tungsten in an acidic environment. Industrially, it is produced by heating lithium and tungsten at high temperatures.

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