What is Li2CrO4? Important knowledge about Li2CrO4.

  1. Definition of Li2CrO4

Li2CrO4, also known as Lithium chromate, and in English as Lithium Chromate. Li2CrO4 consists of 2 atoms of Lithium (Li), 1 atom of Chromium (Cr), and 4 atoms of Oxygen (O).

The atomic mass of Lithium is 6.94, Chromium is 52, and Oxygen is 16. Therefore, the atomic mass of Li2CrO4 is 26.94 + 52 + 416 = 118.94. The molecular structure of Li2CrO4 includes 2 Li+ ions and 1 CrO4 2- ion.

  1. Properties: Li2CrO4

Li2CrO4 mainly appears as yellow crystals. This substance does not have a specific smell. The chemical properties of Li2CrO4 include the ability to form complex compounds with other metal ions.

  1. Common chemical equations of Li2CrO4

Since Li2CrO4 is a type of salt, it can participate in many different chemical reactions, including reactions with metals, acids, non-metals and other salts.

  1. Preparation of Li2CrO4

Li2CrO4 can be prepared through the reaction between Lithium hydroxide (LiOH) and Chromic acid (H2CrO4). In the laboratory, the preparation of Li2CrO4 is usually done under the supervision of a teacher or a chemist as this substance can be toxic if not handled properly. In industry, Li2CrO4 is usually produced on a large scale using more complex methods.

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