What is Li2Co2O4? Important knowledge about Li2Co2O4.

  1. Definition of Li2Co2O4

Li2Co2O4, also known as Lithium cobalt(II) oxalate in English, is a chemical compound with the molecular formula Li2Co2O4. In this formula, the number of Li (lithium) atoms is 2, the number of Co (cobalt) atoms is 2 and the number of O (oxygen) atoms is 4. The molecular weight of Li2Co2O4 is about 228.88 g/mol.

1.4 Ion structure: The compound Li2Co2O4 consists of 2 Li+ ions and one Co2O4- ion.

  1. Properties of Li2Co2O4

2.1 Physical properties of Li2Co2O4: Li2Co2O4 usually appears as a dark green powder, odorless, its pH cannot be determined because it is insoluble in water.

2.2 Chemical properties of Li2Co2O4: Li2Co2O4 is very stable at room temperature, it does not react with air. It can be decomposed by strong acids.

  1. Common chemical equations of Li2Co2O4

Since Li2Co2O4 is insoluble in water and very stable, it does not react with metals, acids, nonmetals, or salts easily.

  1. Preparation of Li2Co2O4

Li2Co2O4 is typically prepared through the reaction between oxalic acid and cobalt(II) hydroxide in an acidic environment. The reaction generates a large amount of heat, so it needs to be conducted at a low temperature.

Because Li2Co2O4 is not commonly used in school laboratories, there are not many examples of its preparation in this setting. However, it is usually industrially produced by heating in a chemical furnace in an air-free environment.

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