What is Li2C2? Essential Knowledge on Li2C2.

  1. Definition of Li2C2:

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Li2C2 is also known as Lithium carbide.
1.1.2 English name: In English, Li2C2 is called Lithium carbide.
1.2 Atomic composition: Li2C2 consists of 2 Lithium atoms and 2 Carbon atoms.
1.3 Atomic weight
1.3.1 Molecular structure: Li2C2 consists of 2 lithium atoms and 2 carbon atoms linked together.
1.4 Ion structure: Li2C2 has an ion structure consisting of 2 lithium ions Li+ and one ion C22-.

  1. Properties of Li2C2:

2.1 Physical properties of Li2C2
State: At room temperature, Li2C2 is solid.
Color: Li2C2 is white in color.
Smell: Li2C2 does not have a specific smell.
pH level: The pH level of Li2C2 is neutral.
2.2 Chemical properties of Li2C2: Li2C2 reacts with water to form acetylene and lithium hydroxide.

  1. Common chemical reactions with Li2C2:

    3.1 Reaction with water:
    Li2C2 + 2H2O -> 2LiOH + C2H2

  2. Synthesis of Li2C2:

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Li2C2: Li2C2 can be synthesized from the reaction between lithium and carbon at high temperature.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of Li2C2: In the industry, Li2C2 is produced by heating lithium and coke in an electric furnace.

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