What is KH2PO2? Important knowledge about KH2PO2.

  1. Definition of KH2PO2:
    KH2PO2 is also known as potassium dihydrogen phosphate. It is an organic compound composed of potassium (K), hydrogen (H), and phosphorus (P) atoms. In the conventional formula KH2PO2, there is one potassium atom, two hydrogen atoms, and one phosphorus atom.

1.1. Common name: Potassium dihydrogen phosphate.
1.2. English name: Potassium dihydrogen phosphate.
1.3. Atomic mass: K (39.10), H (1.01), P (30.97), O (16.00).
1.4. Molecular weight: 136.09 g/mol.
1.5. Molecular structure: Consists of one potassium atom, two hydrogen atoms, and one phosphorus atom.
1.6. Ion structure: KH2PO2 has 3 main ions which are K+, H+ and PO4 3-.

  1. Characteristics:
    2.1. Physical properties: KH2PO2 is a solid, white substance, odorless, with a neutral pH.
    2.2. Chemical properties: KH2PO2 is easily soluble in water and has weak acidity.

  2. Chemical reactions:
    3.1. Reaction with metals: KH2PO2 does not react with metals.
    3.2. Reaction with acids: KH2PO2 reacts with acid to produce salt (K3PO4) and water.
    3.3. Reaction with non-metals: KH2PO2 does not react with non-metals.
    3.4. Reaction with salts: KH2PO2 reacts with salts to produce another salt and water.

  3. Synthesis of KH2PO2:
    4.1. Lab synthesis: KH2PO2 can be synthesized from K3PO4 and H2SO4.
    4.2. Industrial synthesis: KH2PO2 is produced by reacting K2HPO4 with HCl.

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