What is K3AsO4? Important knowledge about K3AsO4.

  1. Definition of K3AsO4

K3AsO4 is a chemical compound commonly known as Potassium arsenate. This compound consists of K (Potassium), As (Arsenic), and O (Oxygen) atoms with a total atomic mass of 3+74+64=141. The molecular structure of K3AsO4 includes 3 potassium ions, 1 arsenic ion, and 4 oxygen ions. The ionic configuration consists of one AsO4(3-) ion and three K+ ions.

  1. Properties: K3AsO4

2.1 Physical properties of K3AsO4: Under standard conditions, K3AsO4 is a solid, white, odorless substance with a neutral pH.
2.2 Chemical properties of K3AsO4: K3AsO4 has strong oxidative properties and can react with many other substances to form new compounds.

  1. Common chemical equations involving K3AsO4: K3AsO4 typically reacts with metals, acids, and non-metals. Because of these reactions, it is often used in chemical reactions to produce other compounds such as As2O5, H3AsO4, K2HAsO4, and many other compounds.

  2. Synthesis of K3AsO4

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of K3AsO4: K3AsO4 is typically synthesized by reacting As2O5 with KOH.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of K3AsO4: In industry, K3AsO4 is synthesized by reacting As2O3 with KOH under high temperature conditions.

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