What is K2S2O5? Important knowledge about K2S2O5.

  1. Definition of K2S2O5
    K2S2O5, commonly known as Potassium Metabisulfite, is a popular chemical in the electrochemical industry. Its English name is Potassium Metabisulfite. Its molecule consists of 2 potassium atoms (K), 2 sulfur atoms (S), and 5 oxygen atoms (O). The atomic mass of K2S2O5 is 222.32 g/mol. This substance exists in the form of K+ ions and S2O5 2- ions.

  2. Properties of K2S2O5
    2.1 Physical properties of K2S2O5
    K2S2O5 is a white powder with no distinctive odor. Its pH depends on its concentration, but it is generally acidic.
    2.2 Chemical properties of K2S2O5
    K2S2O5 has a strong antioxidant capacity and is often used as an antioxidant and preservative in food and wine.

  3. Common chemical reactions involving K2S2O5
    Because K2S2O5 is a strong oxidizer, it often participates in oxidation-reduction reactions.

  4. Preparation of K2S2O5
    4.1 Laboratory preparation of K2S2O5
    In the laboratory, K2S2O5 is typically prepared from the reaction between K2SO3 and SO2.
    4.2 Industrial preparation of K2S2O5
    Industrial preparation of K2S2O5 usually occurs through the oxidation of K2SO3 by O2 at high temperature.

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