What is K2MoO4? Important Knowledge About K2MoO4.

  1. Definition of K2MoO4
    K2MoO4, also known as potassium salt of molybdic acid, or potassium molybdate, is a chemical compound with the molecular formula K2MoO4. In English, this substance is called Potassium molybdate. This compound consists of two potassium atoms, one molybdenum atom, and four oxygen atoms. The atomic mass of molybdenum is 95.94, the atomic mass of potassium is 39.0983, and that of oxygen is 15.9994. The ionic structure of K2MoO4 consists of K+ ions and MoO4- ions.

  2. Properties of K2MoO4
    K2MoO4 is a solid substance, white or slightly yellow in color, odorless and has a neutral or slightly alkaline pH. In terms of chemical properties, this compound has the ability to form complexes with many other substances, such as salts, acids, and metals.

  3. Common chemical equations with K2MoO4
    The common chemical equations of K2MoO4 are quite diverse, from reactions with metals, acids to salts. However, since this is a rather special substance, it is not possible to list in detail within the scope of this lecture.

  4. Preparation of K2MoO4
    The preparation of K2MoO4 is often carried out in the laboratory or on an industrial scale by reacting molybdic acid with potassium hydroxide. On an industrial scale, this compound is usually produced from molybdenum ore through a series of chemical processes.

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