What is K2MnO4? Important knowledge about K2MnO4.

  1. Definition of K2MnO4

K2MnO4, also known as Potassium Manganate, in English is Potassium manganate. It is a salt of potassium and manganate. K2MnO4 consists of two potassium atoms, one manganese atom, and four oxygen atoms. The total atomic mass of K2MnO4 is 197.13 g/mol. In K2MnO4, manganese (+6) and potassium (+1) form the manganate ion (MnO4 -2) and the potassium ion (K+).

  1. Properties of K2MnO4

2.1 Physical properties of K2MnO4
K2MnO4 is a solid with a blue or navy blue color. It has no distinctive odor and has a neutral pH.

2.2 Chemical properties of K2MnO4
K2MnO4 is a strong oxidizing agent, and it can react with many different metals and non-metals.

  1. Common chemical equations of K2MnO4
    K2MnO4 is not typically used in specific chemical reactions. Instead, it is often used as an oxidizing source in various chemical reactions.

  2. Preparation of K2MnO4

4.1 Lab preparation of K2MnO4
K2MnO4 can be prepared by oxidizing KMnO4 in a strong base environment.

4.2 Industrial preparation of K2MnO4
In industry, K2MnO4 is usually produced from KMnO4 by adding potassium hydroxide (KOH) and oxygen gas (O2) to a KMnO4 solution.

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