What is K2C2O4? Important knowledge about K2C2O4.

  1. Definition of K2C2O4:
    K2C2O4 is the chemical formula of potassium oxalate, an oxalate salt of potassium. Its common name is potassium oxalate, and in English, it is called “Potassium Oxalate”. The atomic composition of K2C2O4 basically includes two potassium atoms (K), two carbon atoms (C) and four oxygen atoms (O). The atomic weight of K2C2O4 is 166.22 g/mol. Its molecular structure is formed by the combination of two potassium ions and one oxalate ion.

  2. Properties of K2C2O4:
    2.1 Physical properties: K2C2O4 typically appears as colorless or white crystals, odorless, with a pH in the range of 7-8 when dissolved in water.
    2.2 Chemical properties: K2C2O4 can react with strong acids to produce CO2 gas. It can also react with heavy metals to form insoluble fats.

  3. Common chemical equations involving K2C2O4:
    An example of the reaction of K2C2O4 with acid:
    K2C2O4 + 2HCl -> 2KCl + H2C2O4
    H2C2O4 -> H2O + CO2 ->

  4. Preparation of K2C2O4:
    4.1 Laboratory preparation: K2C2O4 can be prepared by reacting potassium hydroxide with oxalic acid.
    KO2 + H2C2O4 -> K2C2O4 + H2O
    4.2 Industrial preparation: In industry, K2C2O4 is usually produced by the reaction between potassium carbonate and oxalic acid.

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