What is Ir? Important Knowledge about Ir.

  1. Definition of Ir
    Ir is the symbol for Iridium, a chemical element belonging to the transition metals group in the periodic table. Its English name is Iridium. The atomic mass of Ir is 192.217 u, making it one of the heaviest elements existing on Earth. Iridium molecules usually exist as single atoms. The ions of Ir typically have oxidation states of +3, +4.

  2. Properties: Ir

2.1 Physical properties of Ir:
Ir is a silver-white transition metal, odorless. In its standard state, Ir is solid. The pH of Ir cannot be measured because it is a transition metal, insoluble in water.

2.2 Chemical properties of Ir:
Ir is very alkaline, corrosion-resistant, and very hard. It withstands the impact of most acids, including strong inorganic acids.

  1. Common chemical equations for Ir
    Specifically, Ir can react with some nonmetals such as Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine to form oxide compounds and halogen compounds.

  2. Synthesis of Ir

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Ir
In the laboratory, Ir cannot be synthesized directly due to its high chemical stability.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of Ir
In industry, Ir is typically produced from copper, nickel ores and contains platinum sources. This process involves refining the crude material to separate Iridium and other metals.

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