What is I2O7? Important knowledge about I2O7

  1. Definition of I2O7
    I2O7, also known as Iodine heptoxide or Iodine Dioxide in Vietnamese, is a chemical compound made up of two Iodine atoms and seven Oxygen atoms. Each Iodine atom has an atomic weight of 126.9 g/mol and each Oxygen atom has an atomic weight of 16 g/mol, so the molecular weight of I2O7 is 333.8 g/mol. I2O7 does not exist in ion form.

  2. Properties of I2O7
    I2O7 is a solid, pale yellow, odorless substance with strong acidic properties that can cause combustion when in contact with organic substances. The chemical properties of I2O7 are demonstrated through its reaction with water, producing iodine acid and oxygen.

  3. Common chemical equations of I2O7:
    Reaction with Metal: I2O7 + 4K -> 2KI + 2KIO3
    Acid reaction: I2O7 + H2O -> HI + HIO3
    Non-metal reaction: I2O7 + 3Cl2 -> 2ICl3 + 3O2
    Reaction with salt: I2O7 + 2Na2O -> O2 + 4NaI

  4. Preparation of I2O7
    I2O7 can be prepared in the laboratory by dissolving I2 in concentrated HNO3, then heating it to facilitate the reaction that produces I2O7. On an industrial scale, I2O7 can be produced by oxidizing I2 with O2 at high temperatures.

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