What is HIO4? Important knowledge about HIO4.

  1. HIO4 definition:
    HIO4, also known as periodic acid or tetraoxoperiodic(VII) acid, is a colorless substance, composed of Iodine (I), Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O) atoms. In English, it is referred to as Periodic acid. The molecular mass of HIO4 is 144.9 g/mol, and its molecular structure consists of one Iodine atom, eight Oxygen atoms, and one Hydrogen atom. This compound forms ions by removing a Hydrogen atom to form the HIO4- ion.

  2. Properties of HIO4:
    HIO4 in a solid state is a colorless, odorless substance with a neutral pH level. In terms of chemical properties, it is a strong oxidizing agent and can react with many metals and non-metals to form various compounds.

  3. Common chemical equations involving HIO4:
    HIO4 can react with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts. However, experiments need to be conducted to specifically determine these reactions.

  4. Preparation of HIO4:
    HIO4 can be prepared in the laboratory or industrially. In the laboratory, it is typically prepared from I2 and HNO3. Industrially, HIO4 is usually produced by the reaction between I2 and O2 in a strong acidic environment under high pressure and high temperature.

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