What is HgCl2? Important knowledge about HgCl2.

  1. Definition of HgCl2
    HgCl2, also known as Mercuric chloride or Mercury(II) chloride in English. It is a colorless, odorless compound with high toxicity, with the molecular formula HgCl2, containing two chlorine atoms and one mercury atom. Each chlorine atom forms a covalent bond with the mercury atom to form this compound.

  2. Properties: HgCl2

HgCl2 is a colorless and odorless solid, with a neutral PH value. In terms of chemical properties, HgCl2 has the ability to react with many other substances such as metals, acids and salts.

  1. Common chemical equations of HgCl2
    Due to its special chemical properties, HgCl2 is often used in chemical reactions. For example, it reacts with metals like Fe, Al to produce salt and hydrogen chloride gas. HgCl2 can also react with strong acids such as HCl, H2SO4 to produce mercury salt and other substances.

  2. Synthesis of HgCl2
    HgCl2 can be easily synthesized in the laboratory through the reaction between mercury and concentrated, hot hydrochloric acid. Additionally, HgCl2 is also produced on an industrial scale from mercury and chlorine under the effect of high temperature.

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