What is Hg3N2? Important knowledge about Hg3N2.

  1. Definition of Hg3N2

Hg3N2, also known as Mercury(II) Nitrite, is a chemical compound of mercury and nitrogen. Each molecule of Hg3N2 consists of 3 mercury atoms and 2 nitrogen atoms. The atomic mass of mercury is 200.59 and nitrogen is 14.01, so the atomic mass of Hg3N2 is 615.82. In terms of ionic structure, Hg3N2 has 3 Hg2+ ions and 2 N3- ions.

  1. Properties: Hg3N2

Hg3N2 is a solid, white substance with no smell. Its pH depends on the liquid environment in which it exists. In terms of chemical properties, Hg3N2 is highly reactive with oxidizing substances and hydrogen gas.

  1. Common chemical equations of Hg3N2

Metal reaction: Hg3N2 can react with metals to form other compounds. For example: Hg3N2 + Fe -> FeHg3 + N2.

Acid reaction: Hg3N2 can also react with acids. For example: Hg3N2 + H2SO4 -> 3HgSO4 + 2NH3.

  1. Synthesis of Hg3N2

Laboratory synthesis of Hg3N2: Hg3N2 can be synthesized through the reaction between mercury and nitrogen under high temperature conditions.

Industrial synthesis of Hg3N2: In industry, Hg3N2 is typically produced from the reaction between mercury and nitrogen under high temperature and pressure conditions.

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