What is H2S? Important knowledge about H2S.

  1. Definition of H2S

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) is a chemical compound consisting of two hydrogen atoms and one sulfur atom. Its common name is hydrogen sulfide gas. In English, it is called Hydrogen sulfide. The atomic weight of this compound is 34.08 atomic mass units. The molecular structure of H2S as indicated by its name shows the bonding between hydrogen and sulfur atoms. The ionic state of H2S is HS- and H+.

  1. Properties: H2S

The usual state of H2S is gas, which has an unclear color but has a distinctive foul odor, quite unique like rotten eggs. The pH of H2S is also very acidic due to its acidity. Regarding chemical properties, H2S easily reacts with metals, acids, and non-metals.

  1. Common chemical equations of H2S

H2S has the ability to react with metals such as Fe, Zn, Cu, Ag and Hg to form other chemical compounds. H2S can also react with strong acids such as HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, HBr, and HI to form other chemical compounds. H2S also reacts with non-metals such as O2, Cl2, Br2, I2, and F2. In addition, H2S can react with salts such as NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2, and FeCl3.

  1. Synthesis of H2S

H2S can be synthesized in the laboratory by reacting sulfuric acid and sulfides using the hydrolysis method. Industrially, H2S is often produced through the fermentation process of sulfur-containing raw materials such as petroleum, natural gas, coal.

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