What is H2Cr5O13? Important knowledge about H2Cr5O13.

H2Cr5O13 may not be a common chemical substance in the curriculum, but it is indeed very interesting.

  1. Definition of H2Cr5O13:
    1.1 Names
    1.1.1 Common name: H2Cr5O13 does not have a popular name in Vietnamese.
    1.1.2 English name: H2Cr5O13 also does not have an established English name.
    1.2 Atomic structure: H2Cr5O13 has 2 Hydrogen atoms, 5 Chromium atoms and 13 Oxygen atoms.
    1.3 Atomic weight: Based on the periodic table, the atomic weight of H2Cr5O13 can be calculated.
    1.3.1 Molecular structure: The H2Cr5O13 molecule consists of 2 Hydrogen atoms, 5 Chromium atoms and 13 Oxygen atoms.
    1.4 Ion structure: H2Cr5O13 does not form ions, so there is no ion structure for this substance.

  2. Properties of H2Cr5O13:
    2.1 Physical properties of H2Cr5O13: H2Cr5O13 is colorless, odorless and its state cannot be determined as there is not enough research.
    2.2 Chemical properties of H2Cr5O13: The chemical properties of H2Cr5O13 have not been fully researched.

  3. Common chemical reactions of H2Cr5O13: Due to the lack of comprehensive research, the common reactions of H2Cr5O13 cannot be determined.

  4. Synthesis of H2Cr5O13:
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of H2Cr5O13: There is currently no information on the synthesis of H2Cr5O13 in a laboratory environment.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of H2Cr5O13: There is currently no information on the synthesis of H2Cr5O13 in an industrial environment.

H2Cr5O13 is a chemical substance that has not been fully researched, so knowledge about it is limited.

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