What is Ga2MnO4? Important knowledge about Ga2MnO4.

  1. Definition of Ga2MnO4

Ga2MnO4 is a chemical compound, sometimes also known by its common name “Gallium Mangan Oxide”. In English language, we often see it referred to as “Gallium Manganese Oxide”. The atomic mass of Ga2MnO4 is the sum of 2 Gallium atoms, 1 Manganese atom and 4 Oxygen atoms. Its atomic weight is calculated by the sum of the weights of all the atoms within the molecule. The molecular structure of Ga2MnO4 includes 2 Gallium ions (Ga3+), 1 Manganese ion (Mn4+) and 4 Oxygen ions (O2-).

  1. Properties: Ga2MnO4

Ga2MnO4 is a solid substance that ranges in color from white to pale pink. The smell of Ga2MnO4 is not clearly described, and it has a neutral pH. Ga2MnO4 can react with other substances such as metals, acids, non-metals and salts to form new compounds. However, detailed information about these specific reactions has not been thoroughly researched yet.

  1. Common chemical reactions of Ga2MnO4

Currently, there is not enough data about the common chemical reactions that Ga2MnO4 undergoes. It can react with metals, acids, non-metals and salts, but more research is needed to determine the details of these reactions.

  1. Synthesis of Ga2MnO4

As with the previous point, information on the synthesis of Ga2MnO4, both in the laboratory and on an industrial scale, is not clearly recorded. More research is needed to determine the best way to synthesize this compound.

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