What is Fr? Important knowledge about Fr.

  1. Definition of Fr

Francium, also known in English as Francium, belongs to the 7th period of the periodic table, group 1 (alkali). The atomic mass of Fr is 223 and the atomic mass unit is 223 atomic mass units (u). Francium has a simple molecular structure, mainly single Fr atoms. The main ion structure is Fr+ with the outer shell missing one electron.

  1. Properties: Fr

2.1 Physical properties of Fr

Francium is solid at room temperature but turns liquid at higher temperatures. The color of Francium is unclear as it is a very rare substance. The smell of Francium is not known. The pH of Francium is undefined as it is insoluble in water.

2.2 Chemical properties of Fr

Francium is an alkali metal, very reactive with water and strong oxidizing agents, forming hydroxide and releasing hydrogen.

  1. Common chemical equations of Fr

3.1 Metal reaction [if any]
Francium has not been tested in chemical reactions due to its radioactive nature and rarity.

  1. Synthesis of Fr

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Fr
Francium cannot be synthesized in the laboratory due to its extremely low stability.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of Fr
Francium is not synthesized industrially. It is naturally formed through the radioactive decay process of actinium-227.

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