What is Fe(OH)3? Important knowledge about Fe(OH)3.

  1. Definition of Fe(OH)3

    • Fe(OH)3, also known as Iron(III) Hydroxide, is a chemical substance formed from the element iron and hydroxide. The molecular mass of it consists of one iron atom, and three hydroxide groups. Each hydroxide group consists of one hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom. Therefore, the total atomic mass of the Fe(OH)3 is 106.87 Da (Dalton unit).
    • When Fe(OH)3 ionizes, it forms an Fe3+ ion and three OH- ions.
  2. Properties of Fe(OH)3

    • Physically, Fe(OH)3 is a colorless to pale brown solid, odorless and has a neutral pH.
    • Chemically, Fe(OH)3 can react with strong acids to form salts and water.
  3. Common chemical equations of Fe(OH)3

  4. Preparation of Fe(OH)3

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