What is FeI3? Important knowledge about FeI3

  1. Definition of FeI3
    FeI3, or iron (III) iodide, is a chemical compound of iron and iodine. In the FeI3 molecule, one iron atom combines with three iodine atoms. FeI3 belongs to the halogen compound group of iron and has not yet been found naturally in the environment.

1.1 Common name: Iron (III) iodide
1.1.2 English name: Iron (III) iodide
1.2 Atomic mass: Iron (Fe) has an atomic mass of 55.845, while iodine (I) has an atomic mass of 126.90447
1.3 The molecular mass of FeI3 is the sum of the atomic masses of iron and iodine: 55.845 + 3*126.90447 = 436.65841.
1.4 Ion structure: FeI3 is an ionic compound, in which iron forms the Fe3+ ion and iodine forms the I- ion.

  1. Properties of FeI3
    2.1 Physical properties: FeI3 is a solid, black and has no characteristic smell. The pH of FeI3 solution is not clearly defined because this compound is not fully soluble in water.
    2.2 Chemical properties: FeI3 can react with metals, acids, non-metals and salts under certain conditions.

  2. Common chemical equations of FeI3: due to the complex chemical properties of FeI3, direct experiments need to be performed to understand the reactions that this compound may participate in.

  3. Preparation of FeI3
    FeI3 can be prepared by having iodine react with iron in an airless environment. However, this process is very slow and requires high temperature. In industry, FeI3 can be prepared from iron and iodine in a strong acid environment.

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