What is FeBr3? Important knowledge about FeBr3.

  1. Definition of FeBr3
    FeBr3, also known as Iron(III) bromide in English and Bromua sắt(III) in Vietnamese, is a chemical compound consisting of the elements iron (Fe) and bromine (Br). Each molecule of FeBr3 contains one atom of iron and three atoms of bromine. The atomic mass of iron is 55.845 and bromine is 79.904. Therefore, the molecular mass of FeBr3 is 292.55 g/mol. In this compound, iron forms Fe3+ ions and bromine forms Br- ions.

  2. Properties of FeBr3
    2.1 Physical properties of FeBr3
    FeBr3 is a solid substance, red or brown in color. It has no distinctive smell. The pH of FeBr3 depends on its concentration in solution, but it typically exhibits acidic properties.
    2.2 Chemical properties of FeBr3
    FeBr3 is a strong corrosive substance, capable of reacting with various other substances such as metals, acids, non-metals, and salts.

  3. Common chemical equations involving FeBr3
    Due to the properties of FeBr3, it can participate in numerous chemical reactions. Examples of such chemical equations will be provided in the textbook.

  4. Synthesis of FeBr3
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of FeBr3
    In the laboratory, FeBr3 is commonly synthesized through the reaction between iron and bromine.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of FeBr3
    On an industrial scale, FeBr3 is typically produced from the reaction of iron, bromine, and oxygen, or through the reaction of FeBr2 with Br2.

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