What is Fe2(PO4)2? The important knowledge about Fe2(PO4)2.

  1. Definition of Fe2(PO4)2

Fe2(PO4)2, also known as Iron(II) phosphate, is an inorganic chemical substance. Here, Fe is the chemical representation of Iron, P stands for Phosphorus, and O for Oxygen. The molar mass of Fe2(PO4)2 is 215.56 g/mol. Regarding its molecular structure, Fe2(PO4)2 consists of 2 Iron atoms, 2 Phosphorus atoms, and 8 Oxygen atoms. Its ionic structure includes two iron ions (Fe2+) and two phosphate ions (PO4 3-).

  1. Properties of Fe2(PO4)2

Fe2(PO4)2 is a solid, colorless and odorless substance. Its pH level has not been clearly defined. In terms of chemical properties, Fe2(PO4)2 has the ability to react with other substances to form new products.

  1. Common chemical equations with Fe2(PO4)2

The chemical reactions of Fe2(PO4)2 depend on the substances used in the reaction process. Currently, there are no specific examples of reactions of Fe2(PO4)2 with metals, acids, non-metals, or salts.

  1. Synthesis of Fe2(PO4)2

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Fe2(PO4)2: Currently, there is no information on the synthesis of Fe2(PO4)2 in the laboratory.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of Fe2(PO4)2: Information on the industrial synthesis of Fe2(PO4)2 has also not been clearly published.

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