What is CuS? Important knowledge about CuS.

  1. Definition of CuS:
    1.1 Name: CuS is called Copper (II) sulfide or copper sulfite.
    1.2 English name: Copper(II) sulfide.
    1.3 Atomic mass: CuS consists of 1 copper atom and 1 sulfur atom.
    1.4 Atomic weight: The total mass of CuS is 95.611 g/mol.
    1.5 Molecular structure: CuS consists of 1 copper atom bonded to 1 sulfur atom.
    1.6 Ionic structure: CuS is formed when Cu2+ and S2- ions combine.

  2. Properties of CuS:
    2.1 Physical properties: CuS is a solid, black substance, odorless and pH indeterminable.
    2.2 Chemical properties: CuS is insoluble in water but soluble in inorganic acid.

  3. Common chemical reactions of CuS:
    CuS does not react with metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts under laboratory conditions.

  4. Preparation of CuS:
    4.1 Laboratory preparation: CuS can be prepared by reacting Cu(NO3)2 with Na2S.
    4.2 Industrial preparation: In industry, CuS is prepared by reacting CuSO4 with Na2S.

Note: The preparation of CuS needs to be careful as both copper and sulfur are toxic substances. Copper can cause undesirable symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, while sulfur can cause irritation to the eyes and respiratory system. This process should be carried out in a well-ventilated space and using full personal protective equipment.

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