What is Cu(NH3)4SO4? Important knowledge about Cu(NH3)4SO4.

  1. Definition of Cu(NH3)4SO4:

1.1 Names:
1.1.1 Common name: Tetraammine copper (II) sulfate.
1.1.2 English name: Tetraammine copper(II) sulfate.

1.2 Atomic components: This compound includes the atoms Cu, N, H, S, and O.

1.3 Atomic mass: The total atomic mass of Cu(NH3)4SO4 is 245.67 g/mol.

1.3.1 Molecular structure: A molecule of Cu(NH3)4SO4 includes one copper atom (Cu), four ammonia molecules (NH3), and one sulfate molecule (SO4).

1.4 Ion structure: In Cu(NH3)4SO4, the Cu2+ ion is surrounded by four NH3 ions through coordinate bonding. Along with that is the sulfate ion SO4(2-).

2.Properties of Cu(NH3)4SO4:

2.1 Physical properties:
State: Solid.
Color: Deep blue color.
Smell: No special smell.
pH: Neutral.

2.2 Chemical properties:
Cu(NH3)4SO4 is not affected by oxygen or water.

  1. Chemical equation:
    Reaction with acid:
    Cu(NH3)4SO4 + 2HCL -> CuCl2 + 4NH3 + H2SO4.

  2. Preparation of Cu(NH3)4SO4:

4.1 Laboratory preparation:
Cu + 4NH3 + H2O + 2H2SO4 + H2O -> Cu(NH3)4SO4.
4.2 Industrial preparation:
Cu(NH3)4SO4 is not produced on an industrial scale.

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