What is Cu(NH3)2? Important knowledge about Cu(NH3)2.

  1. Definition of Cu(NH3)2
    Cu(NH3)2, also known as Diammincopper(II), is a complex compound of copper with ammonia. In this structure, copper has a valence state of +2 and is linked to two ammonia molecules through the formation of dative bonds. Each nitrogen atom in NH3 has given an electron to form a bond with copper. The atomic mass of Cu is 63.546 and that of NH3 is 14.0067. Therefore, the total mass of Cu(NH3)2 is about 91.56.

  2. Properties of Cu(NH3)2
    2.1 Physical properties of Cu(NH3)2: This complex compound usually exists as a blue liquid with no odor. Its pH can change depending on the concentration of ammonia in the solution.
    2.2 Chemical properties of Cu(NH3)2: Cu(NH3)2 is very reactive with strong oxidizing agents, forming copper salts and releasing ammonia.

  3. Common chemical reactions:
    Cu + 2NH3 -> Cu(NH3)2
    This complex can react with strong acids such as H2SO4 to form copper sulphate salts and release ammonia:
    Cu(NH3)2 + H2SO4 -> CuSO4 + 2NH3

  4. Preparation of Cu(NH3)2:
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis: Cu(NH3)2 can be synthesized by reacting copper with a concentrated ammonia solution in an alkaline environment.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis: In industry, Cu(NH3)2 is produced by reacting copper with ammonia in an alkaline environment at high temperature and pressure.

Note: Cu(NH3)2 is not an actual substance but is a shorthand way to represent the interaction between copper and ammonia in an alkaline environment. In reality, they form more complex complexes such as [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+ or [Cu(NH3)2]2+.

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