What is CuN3? Important knowledge about CuN3.

  1. Definition of CuN3

CuN3, commonly known as Copper(II) azide, or Copper azide in English, is a chemical compound consisting of two elements, Copper (Cu) and Nitrogen (N). Based on its structure, it is understood that each Copper atom is linked to three Nitrogen atoms to form a CuN3 molecule. The atomic mass of Copper is 29.9 and Nitrogen is 14. The total atomic mass of CuN3 is 65.38 g/mol. Because of the bond between Copper and Nitrogen atoms, CuN3 forms a complex ion.

  1. Properties of CuN3

2.1 Physical properties of CuN3
CuN3 is a solid in its standard state, colorless or possibly light green. This compound has no distinctive smell. The pH level of CuN3 is not clearly defined as it is insoluble in water.

2.2 Chemical properties of CuN3
CuN3 is very sensitive to heat, impact or friction, and it can explode when in contact with strong oxidizing agents or acids.

  1. Common chemical equations of CuN3
    For CuN3, specific reactions are not frequently studied due to this compound’s instability and dangerous properties.

  2. Synthesis of CuN3
    CuN3 is not typically synthesized in school laboratories due to its hazardous properties. Industrially, it can be produced through a reaction between copper and nitric acid.

Cu + 3HNO3 -> CuN3 + 3H2O

However, due to the sensitive nature of CuN3, this process needs to be conducted under the strict supervision of chemical experts.

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