What is CuHPO3? Important knowledge about CuHPO3

  1. Definition of CuHPO3

CuHPO3, also known by the common name Copper(II) hydrogen phosphate. This compound is composed of copper, hydrogen, phosphorus, and oxygen atoms, with a mole ratio of 1:1:1:3. In this compound, the molecular structure is CuHPO3, the atomic mass of copper is 63.55 amu, hydrogen is 1.008 amu, phosphorus is 30.97 amu, and oxygen is 16 amu, so the atomic mass of CuHPO3 is 123.54 amu. This compound exists in the form of ions with Cu2+ and HPO4-.

  1. Properties: CuHPO3

2.1 Physical properties of CuHPO3
CuHPO3 has physical characteristics of being solid at room temperature, having a greenish color, and no distinctive smell. The pH of this compound depends on the concentration of the solution.

2.2 Chemical properties of CuHPO3
CuHPO3 has unstable chemical properties, easily decomposes at high temperatures and easily transforms into other compounds.

  1. Common chemical equations of CuHPO3
    CuHPO3 participates in chemical reactions such as reactions with metals, acids, salts, and non-metals. However, there is currently not enough data to provide specific examples.

  2. Synthesis of CuHPO3

4.1 Lab synthesis of CuHPO3
Currently, there is no formula for synthesizing CuHPO3 in the lab.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of CuHPO3
There is no information about the process of synthesizing CuHPO3 industrially.

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