What is Cu3NO3? Important knowledge about Cu3NO3.

Cu3NO3 is not the correct chemical formula for any substance. This appears to be an error in formula entry.

Copper nitrate, or cupric nitrate, has the chemical formula Cu(NO3)2. It contains three types of atoms: copper (Cu), nitrogen (N), and oxygen (O), with atomic masses of 63.55, 14.01, and 16.00, respectively. Therefore, the molecular mass of Cu(NO3)2 is 187.56. It consists of two ions, the Cu2+ ion and the NO3- ion.

In terms of physical properties, Cu(NO3)2 is a blue solid. It has no distinctive smell and has a neutral PH. The chemical properties of Cu(NO3)2 include its ability to react with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts.

Common chemical equations involving Cu(NO3)2 include reactions with metals like iron (Fe), acids like sulfuric acid (H2SO4), non-metals like sulfur (S), and salts like sodium chloride (NaCl).

To prepare Cu(NO3)2, the reaction between copper and nitric acid can be used. In industry, Cu(NO3)2 is typically produced from the reaction between copper, oxygen, and nitric acid.

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