What is Cu2? Important knowledge about Cu2.

  1. Definition of Cu2: Cu2 refers to the ion of copper with a valence state of +2. Cu2 is often found in copper compounds.
    1.1 Names
    1.1.1 Common name: Copper (II) ion
    1.1.2 English name: Copper (II) ion
    1.2. Atomic weight: 63.546
    1.3. Atomic mass: 63.546
    1.3.1 Molecular structure: Cu2+
    1.4 Ion structure: Cu2+ ion has 27 electrons surrounding the nucleus.

  2. Properties: Cu2
    2.1 Physical properties of Cu2: Colorless, odorless, and cannot exist in physical form.
    2.2 Chemical properties of Cu2: Has strong oxidizing properties, easily reduced to metallic copper.

  3. Common chemical reactions of Cu2:
    Metal Reaction (Example: Cu2+ + Fe -> Cu + Fe2 + ) ->
    Acid reaction (Example: Cu2+ + 2OH- -> Cu(OH)2)
    Non-Metal reaction (Example: Cu2+ + S2- -> CuS)
    Reaction with salts (Example: Cu2+ + 2NaOH -> Na2Cu(OH)2)

  4. Synthesis of Cu2:
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Cu2: Cu -> Cu2+ + 2e-
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of Cu2: It is usually synthesized from copper ore through refining and chemical treatment processes to separate copper from other elements.

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