What is Cs4P2O7? Important knowledge about Cs4P2O7.

Definition of Cs4P2O7

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Cesium pyrophosphate
1.1.2 English name: Cesium pyrophosphate

1.2. Atomic mass:
Cs4P2O7 consists of 4 Cesium (Cs) atoms, 2 Phosphorus (P) atoms, and 7 Oxygen (O) atoms.

1.3. Molecular weight
The total weight of the atoms in a Cs4P2O7 molecule is 720.6511 g/mol.

1.4 Ion structure
Cs4P2O7 has a structure formed by 4 Cesium (Cs+) ions combined with one pyrophosphate ion (P2O7 4-).

  1. Properties of Cs4P2O7

2.1 Physical properties of Cs4P2O7
State: Solid
Color: White
Smell: No specific smell
PH level: Not determined

2.2 Chemical properties of Cs4P2O7
Cs4P2O7 is a salt of pyrophosphoric acid and cesium hydroxide. It can be decomposed by strong acids.

  1. Common chemical reactions of Cs4P2O7
    Information about the chemical reaction of Cs4P2O7 has not been clearly studied.

  2. Synthesis of Cs4P2O7

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Cs4P2O7
Cs4P2O7 can be synthesized through the reaction between Cesium carbonate (Cs2CO3) and phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5).

4.2 Industrial synthesis of Cs4P2O7
Cs4P2O7 is not common in industry and is usually produced in the laboratory for research.

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