What is Cs2PbCl6? Important knowledge about Cs2PbCl6

  1. Definition of Cs2PbCl6

Cs2PbCl6, also known as Caesium hexachloroplumbate(IV), is a white solid made up of atoms from three elements: Caesium (Cs), Lead (Pb) and Chlorine (Cl). In the Cs2PbCl6 molecule, there are 2 Cs atoms, 1 Pb atom and 6 Cl atoms. This results in a total atomic mass of 798.81 g/mol for each Cs2PbCl6 molecule. The Cs2PbCl6 molecule also contains two ions, one Cs+ ion and one PbCl6- ion.

  1. Properties: Cs2PbCl6

2.1 Physical properties of Cs2PbCl6
The solid Cs2PbCl6 is white and does not have a distinct smell. This substance is insoluble in water and has a neutral pH.

2.2 Chemical properties of Cs2PbCl6
Cs2PbCl6 does not react strongly with metals, acids, and non-metals. This substance also does not react with salts.

  1. Common chemical equations of Cs2PbCl6
    As Cs2PbCl6 does not react strongly with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts, there are no specific examples of the chemical reactions of this substance.

  2. Synthesis of Cs2PbCl6

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Cs2PbCl6
Cs2PbCl6 can be synthesized through the reaction between CsCl and PbCl4 in an aqueous solution.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of Cs2PbCl6
Industrially, Cs2PbCl6 is commonly produced through the reaction between compounds of caesium, lead, and chlorine.

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