What is Cs2MoO6? Important knowledge about Cs2MoO6.

  1. Definition of Cs2MoO6
    Cs2MoO6, also known as the Salt of Cesium and Molybdenum, is a chemical compound with the chemical formula Cs2MoO6. Its English name is Cesium molybdate. In the formula Cs2MoO6, we have 2 atoms of Cesium (Cs), 1 atom of Molybdenum (Mo), and 6 atoms of Oxygen (O). The atomic mass of Cs2MoO6 is 515.8 g/mol. Its molecular structure consists of Cs+, MoO4(2-) and O2- ions.

  2. Properties of Cs2MoO6

    • Physical properties: Cs2MoO6 generally exists as a solid, is white in color and has no odor. Its pH cannot be determined as it is a solid.
    • Chemical properties: Cs2MoO6 is a stable compound, not easily involved in chemical reactions.
  3. Common Chemical Equations
    Since Cs2MoO6 is not a strong reactive substance, it does not commonly participate in reactions with metals, acids, non-metals, or salts. However, it can react under high temperature or high pressure conditions.

  4. Synthesis of Cs2MoO6

    • Laboratory synthesis: Cs2MoO6 is usually synthesized by reacting Cs2O with MoO3 at high temperatures.
    • Industrial synthesis: In industry, Cs2MoO6 is commonly produced through the reaction between Cesium hydroxide (CsOH) and Molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) under high temperature and pressure conditions.

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