What is Cs2CrO4? Important knowledge about Cs2CrO4.

  1. Definition of Cs2CrO4
    1.1 Names
    1.1.1 Common name: Dicromat(IV) cesium.
    1.1.2 English name: Cesium Chromate.
    1.2. Atomic composition: Cs2CrO4 consists of 2 Cesium (Cs) atoms, 1 Chromium (Cr) atom, and 4 Oxygen (O) atoms.
    1.3. Atomic mass: The atomic mass of Cs2CrO4 can be calculated by adding the atomic masses of its components. Here, the atomic mass of Cesium is 133, the atomic mass of Chromium is 52, and the atomic mass of Oxygen is 16. Therefore, the atomic mass of Cs2CrO4 is 2133+52+416 = 361 g/mol.
    1.3.1 Molecular structure: The Cs2CrO4 molecule consists of two Cesium ions (Cs+), one Chromium ion (CrO4 2-).
    1.4 Ion structure: In Cs2CrO4, 2 Cesium ions (Cs+) balance the chromate ion (CrO4 2-) to form a neutral compound.

  2. Properties of Cs2CrO4
    2.1 Physical properties of Cs2CrO4
    State: solid
    Color: Yellow
    Odor: Odorless
    PH level: Strongly alkaline
    2.2 Chemical properties of Cs2CrO4: Cs2CrO4 can react with strong acids to produce chromate salts and water.

  3. Common chemical equations involving Cs2CrO4
    Since Cs2CrO4 is not commonly used in chemical reactions such as metals, acids, non-metals, or salts, it is difficult to provide specific examples.

  4. Preparation of Cs2CrO4
    4.1 Laboratory preparation of Cs2CrO4: Cs2CrO4 is not usually synthesized in a laboratory.
    4.2 Industrial preparation of Cs2CrO4: Cs2CrO4 is not usually industrially produced.

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