What is CrF2? Important knowledge about CrF2.

  1. Definition of CrF2:

1.1 Names:

  • Common name: Chromium Fluoride
  • English name: Chromium(II) Fluoride

1.2 Atomic mass: CrF2 is a compound of Chromium and Fluorine, wherein Chromium has an atomic mass of 24 and Fluorine has an atomic mass of 19.

1.3 Molecular weight: The molecular weight of CrF2 is 66,9962.

1.3.1 Molecular structure: A molecule of CrF2 consists of one atom of Chromium and two atoms of Fluorine.

1.4 Ion structure: In CrF2, Chromium (Cr) forms the ion Cr2+, and the two atoms of Fluorine (F) form two F- ions.

  1. Properties of CrF2:

2.1 Physical properties of CrF2:

  • State: CrF2 is a crystalline solid of blue-black color.
  • Color: Blue-black.
  • Odor: Odorless.
  • pH: Not applicable as CrF2 is a solid.

2.2 Chemical properties of CrF2: CrF2 is very insoluble in water and easily decomposes at high temperatures.

  1. Common chemical equations of CrF2:

    • Cr + F2 -> CrF2(ReactionbetweenChromiumandFluorine)
  2. Preparation of CrF2:

4.1 Laboratory preparation of CrF2: CrF2 is usually prepared by the reaction between Chromium and Fluorine at high temperatures.

4.2 Industrial preparation of CrF2: In industry, CrF2 is prepared by reducing Fluorine in the compound CrF3 with Chromium at high temperatures.

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