What is Co? Important knowledge about Co.

  1. Definition of Co
    Co is the symbol for the element Cobalt, which belongs to group 9, period 4 on the periodic table. In English, Cobalt is called “Cobalt”. The atomic mass of Co is 58.9332 and the molar mass is 58.9332 g/mol. The composition of a Co atom includes 27 protons, 32 neutrons and 27 electrons. The ion configuration of Cobalt is usually Co2+ or Co3+.

  2. Properties of Co
    2.1 Physical properties of Co: Co is a metal and is solid at room temperature. The color of Co ranges from blue to deep blue. Co has no smell and its pH level cannot be determined.
    2.2 Chemical properties of Co: Co is capable of reacting with oxidizers and strong acids to form salts.

  3. Common chemical equations of Co
    Co + O2 -> CoO(reactionwithoxidizer)
    Co + H2SO4 -> CoSO4 + H2(reactionwithsulfuricacid)
    Co + Cl2 -> CoCl2(reactionwithchlorine)
    Co + HNO3 -> Co(NO3)2 + NO2 + H2O(reactionwithnitricacid)
    Co + CuSO4 -> CoSO4 + Cu(reactionwithsalt)

  4. Synthesis of Co
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Co: Co is usually synthesized by heating Cobalt (II) Oxide in air.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of Co: In the industry, Co is synthesized from the ore Cobaltite by heating it with carbon in an electric arc furnace.

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