What is ClF5? Important knowledge about ClF5.

  1. Definition of ClF5
    ClF5, also known as Pentafluoro chlorine, is a chemical compound with the formula ClF5. In this name, Cl stands for the chlorine atom and F stands for the fluorine atom. The atomic mass of Cl is 35.5 and F is 19, so the atomic mass of ClF5 is 130.5. The molecular structure of this substance includes a Cl atom at the center, surrounded by 5 F atoms on the outermost. In the ionic state, ClF5 does not form ions.

  2. Properties of ClF5
    ClF5 is a pale yellow liquid with an unpleasant smell. The pH of ClF5 is not defined as it is not an acid or a base. The chemical properties of ClF5 include its strong reactivity with water, resulting in hydrofluoric acid and chloride.

  3. Common Chemical Equations
    Generally, ClF5 does not usually react with metals, acids, non-metals, or salts. However, it can react with water according to the following equation: ClF5 + 3H2O -> 5HF + HCl + 2.5O2.

  4. Synthesis of ClF5
    On a laboratory basis, ClF5 can be synthesized from the reaction between Cl2 and F2 at high temperatures. In industry, ClF5 is usually produced from the direct synthesis from gaseous raw materials.

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