What is ClF3? Important knowledge about ClF3.

  1. Definition of ClF3:
    1.1 Common name: ClF3 or Trifluoride chloride.
    1.2 English name: Chlorine trifluoride.
    1.3 Atomic structure: ClF3 consists of one Chlorine atom (Cl) and three Fluorine atoms (F).
    1.4 Atomic mass: 92.448 g/mol.
    1.5 Molecular structure: ClF3 has a T-shaped structure due to the uneven distribution of free electron pairs and chlorine bonds.

  2. Properties of ClF3:
    2.1 Physical properties:
    -State: ClF3 is a gas or a light yellow liquid.
    -Color: Light yellow.
    -Smell: Unpleasant, distinctive odor.
    -pH level: It is a strong acid so it has a low pH level.
    2.2 Chemical properties: ClF3 is a strong oxidizing agent, it can react with many substances, including iron, heavy metals and rocks.

  3. Common chemical equations: ClF3 can react with metals, acids, non-metals and salts to form various complex compounds.

  4. Preparation of ClF3:
    4.1 Laboratory preparation: ClF3 can be prepared by reacting Cl2 with F2 under high temperature and pressure conditions.
    4.2 Industrial preparation: In the industry, ClF3 is often prepared via the oxidation process of chlorine with fluorine under high temperature and pressure conditions.

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