What is Ce? Important knowledge about Ce.

  1. Definition of Ce
    Ce, or Cerium, is a chemical element with the symbol Ce and atomic number 58. It is a transition element, belonging to the lanthanide group in the periodic table. Cerium was discovered by Jöns Jacob Berzelius and Wilhelm Hisinger in 1803 in Sweden. Cerium has an atomic mass of approximately 140.12 u. The molecular structure of Cerium is quite simple, usually Ce2 or Ce3. The ion structure of Cerium is usually Ce3+ or Ce4+.

  2. Properties of Ce
    Cerium is a metal with a silver-white color, soft and malleable. It has no distinctive smell and has a neutral PH level. The chemical properties of Cerium depend on the oxidation number. It can create many different compounds with other elements such as oxygen, hydrogen, halogens…

  3. Common chemical equations involving Ce
    Cerium can participate in many different chemical reactions, from reactions with metals, acids, non-metals to salts. However, due to its complex composition, some reactions can only be carried out under special laboratory conditions.

  4. Preparation of Ce
    Cerium is prepared from monazite and bastnasite ores, which are the main sources of lanthanides. In the laboratory, Cerium can be prepared from reducing agents like lithium. On an industrial scale, it is usually produced through the fractional distillation process or using other reduction methods.

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