What is CaO? Important knowledge about CaO.

  1. Definition of CaO

CaO, commonly known as quicklime or Calcium Oxide in English, is an inorganic chemical compound. It is a white, odorless solid with an atomic mass of 56.0774(14) u. CaO consists of two atoms, one Calcium atom (Ca) and one Oxygen atom (O), with atomic masses of 40.078(4) u and 15.9994(3) u, respectively. In CaO, the Calcium cation (Ca2+) and the Oxide anion (O2-) bond with each other in a 1:1 ratio to form this compound.

  1. Properties of CaO

CaO is a white, odorless powder solid at room conditions and has a very high basic pH (about 12-13) when dissolved in water. In chemistry, CaO is highly reactive with water to form Ca(OH)2, a reaction that is an exothermic process.

  1. Common chemical equations involving CaO
    CaO can react with acids (such as hydrochloric acid HCl, sulfuric acid H2SO4,…) to form salts and water. CaO + 2HCl -> CaCl2 + H2O
    CaO + H2O -> Ca(OH)2
    CaO + H2SO4 -> CaSO4 + H2O
    CaO + CO2 -> CaCO3
    CaO + SO2 -> CaSO3
    CaO + 2SO3 -> CaSO4
  2. Preparation of CaO

In the laboratory, CaO is usually prepared by heating limestone (CaCO3) at high temperatures. In industry, the process of heating limestone in a cylindrical kiln is used to produce CaO on a large scale.

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