What is CaHSO4? Important Knowledge about CaHSO4

  1. Definition of CaHSO4

CaHSO4, also known as Canonit, or calcium hydro sulfate, is an inorganic compound consisting of calcium, hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen atoms. CaHSO4 is also known in English as Calcium acid sulfate. The molecular weight of CaHSO4 is 172.17 g/mol, and its structure includes one calcium atom, one hydrogen atom, one sulfur atom, and four oxygen atoms.

  1. Properties: CaHSO4

CaHSO4 is a colorless crystalline solid, with no distinctive odor. Its PH generally falls between 3.5 to 4.5. CaHSO4 is soluble in water and can be decomposed by strong acids.

  1. Common chemical equations with CaHSO4

To understand more about CaHSO4, we can look at some of the chemical reactions in which it participates. However, it should be noted that CaHSO4 does not react with metals, acids, nonmetals, or salts.

  1. Synthesis of CaHSO4

The synthesis of CaHSO4 is usually performed in the laboratory through the reaction between calcium sulfate (CaSO4) and a strong acid like sulfuric acid (H2SO4). In industry, CaHSO4 can also be produced from the reaction between calcium oxide (CaO) and sulfuric acid.

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