What is CaF2? Important knowledge about CaF2.

  1. Definition of CaF2

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: CaF2 is commonly known as Calcium Fluoride.
1.1.2 English name: In English, CaF2 is called Calcium Fluoride.
1.2 Atomic mass: The atomic mass of Calcium Fluoride is 78.075 g/mol.
1.3 Atomic weight: The atomic weight of Calcium is 40.078 g/mol and of Fluoride is 18.9984 g/mol.
1.3.1 Molecular structure: CaF2 molecule consists of one calcium atom and two fluoride atoms.
1.4 Ion structure: CaF2 forms calcium ion Ca2+ and two fluoride ions F-.

  1. Properties: CaF2

2.1 Physical properties of CaF2
State: Solid at room temperature
Color: White or colorless
Odor: Odorless
PH: Neutral
2.2 Chemical properties of CaF2: CaF2 is insoluble in water, does not react with strong acids like sulfuric acid, nitric acid.

  1. Common chemical equations of CaF2: Due to the inert property of CaF2, it does not often react with other substances chemically.

  2. Synthesis of CaF2

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of CaF2: CaF2 can be synthesized by reacting calcium and fluoride together.
Ca + F2 -> CaF2
4.2 Industrial synthesis of CaF2: In industry, CaF2 is usually obtained from fluorite ore through a melting process.

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