What is Ca2S2O7? Important knowledge about Ca2S2O7.

Ca2S2O7, also known as calcium pyrosulfate or Calcium persulfate in English. The molecular structure of this substance consists of 2 calcium atoms, 2 sulfur atoms, and 7 oxygen atoms. Its atomic weight is 208.18 g/mol. Under standard conditions, it exists as a colorless, odorless solid compound with a neutral pH.

The chemical properties of Ca2S2O7 include its ability to react with metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts. Examples of common chemical equations involving Ca2S2O7 may include:

In the laboratory, Ca2S2O7 can be synthesized by heating CaSO4 with CaS in air. Industrially, it is typically produced by reacting CaSO4 and SO2 at high temperatures.

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