What is Ca2PbCl6? Important knowledge about Ca2PbCl6.

  1. Definition of Ca2PbCl6

Ca2PbCl6, also known as Calcium hexachloroplumbate (II), is an inorganic chemical substance composed of two Calcium ions (Ca2+), one Plumbate ion (Pb4+) and six Chloride ions (Cl-). The molar mass of this compound is 579.49 g/mol. Its molecule is composed of two Calcium atoms, one Lead atom and six Chlorine atoms. This compound does not exist as free ions, but forms complex ions when dissolved in water.

  1. Properties of Ca2PbCl6

2.1 Physical properties of Ca2PbCl6: This compound usually exists as a white, odorless powder with no distinctive smell. Its pH depends on the concentration of the solution.

2.2 Chemical properties of Ca2PbCl6: Ca2PbCl6 can react with several other chemicals such as metals, acids, non-metals and salts. However, it is primarily used as a raw material in the production of other materials.

  1. Chemical equations commonly associated with Ca2PbCl6 are not widely recorded in the field of chemistry.

  2. Synthesis of Ca2PbCl6

Ca2PbCl6 is usually not synthesized in a laboratory environment due to its high toxicity and stability. On an industrial scale, it can be produced through the reaction process of Calcium chloride with Plumbate (II) chloride in a water environment.

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