What is Ca2MoO4? Important knowledge about Ca2MoO4.

  1. Definition of Ca2MoO4

Ca2MoO4, also commonly known as Calcium Molybdate, is a compound of calcium, molybdenum and oxygen. In this compound, calcium, molybdenum and oxygen combine in a ratio of 2:1:4. The molecular weight of this compound is 200.02 g/mol. The molecular structure of Ca2MoO4 comprises 2 calcium ions (Ca2+), one molybdate ion (MoO42-) and forms the composite ion Ca2MoO4.

  1. Characteristics: Ca2MoO4

Ca2MoO4 is solid at room temperature with a white or beige color. This substance has no distinct odor and has a neutral pH. In contact with water, Ca2MoO4 is insoluble or very slightly soluble. The chemical properties of Ca2MoO4 have not been thoroughly studied.

  1. Common chemical equation of Ca2MoO4

Ca2MoO4 does not participate in chemical reactions easily. This means it does not react with metals, acids, non-metals or salts readily. Therefore, there are no examples of such reactions.

  1. Preparation of Ca2MoO4

Ca2MoO4 can be prepared in the laboratory through the reaction between CaCO3 and MoO3 at high temperatures. However, in industry, it is usually produced through the oxidation process of molybdenum in a calcium-containing environment.

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