What is Ca2Mo2O7? Important knowledge about Ca2Mo2O7.

  1. Definition of Ca2Mo2O7

Ca2Mo2O7, also known as Calcium Molybdate, is a chemical compound with two calcium atoms, two molybdenum atoms, and seven oxygen atoms. Its English name is Calcium Molybdate. The atomic mass of Ca2Mo2O7 is 448.8 g/mol. Its molecular structure consists of two calcium ions, two molybdenum ions, and seven oxygen ions bonded together.

  1. Properties of Ca2Mo2O7

2.1 Physical Properties of Ca2Mo2O7: Ca2Mo2O7 typically appears as a white powder, does not have a distinctive smell, is insoluble in water, and has a neutral pH.

2.2 Chemical Properties of Ca2Mo2O7: Ca2Mo2O7 is a stable compound, does not react with water, acids, bases, or metals.

  1. Common chemical reactions of Ca2Mo2O7

Ca2Mo2O7 does not participate in common chemical reactions such as metal reactions, acid reactions, non-metal reactions, or reactions with salts.

  1. Synthesis of Ca2Mo2O7

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Ca2Mo2O7: Ca2Mo2O7 can be synthesized from the reaction between calcium salt and molybdate salt.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of Ca2Mo2O7: In industry, Ca2Mo2O7 is typically produced by thermally decomposing calcium molybdate in air.

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