What is Ca2MnO4? Important knowledge about Ca2MnO4.

  1. Definition of Ca2MnO4
    Ca2MnO4, also known as Potassium permanganate, is a purple crystalline solid that sublimes in the air. Its English name is Calcium Manganate. The molecular weight of this substance is 216.9 g/mol. Its molecular structure includes two Ca2+ ions, one MnO4- ion. This ion consists of one manganese Mn atom connected to four oxygen O atoms, forming a tetrahedron shape.

  2. Properties of Ca2MnO4
    2.1 Physical properties of Ca2MnO4
    Under standard conditions, Ca2MnO4 is a blackish purple solid. Its smell is not clearly defined. The pH of Ca2MnO4 in water is neutral.

  3. 2.2 Chemical properties of Ca2MnO4
    Ca2MnO4 has strong oxidizing ability, and it can react with many other substances under suitable conditions.

    1. Common chemical equations of Ca2MnO4
      Though Ca2MnO4 does not often participate in chemical reactions, but it can react with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts under suitable conditions.

    2. Synthesis of Ca2MnO4
      4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Ca2MnO4
      Ca2MnO4 is not usually synthesized in the laboratory due to its strong oxidizing properties and difficult control.

    3. 4.2 Industrial synthesis of Ca2MnO4
      Ca2MnO4 is commonly produced on an industrial scale through the oxidation process of manganese or other manganese compounds.

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