What is C3H8? Important knowledge about C3H8.

  1. Definition of C3H8

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: C3H8 is also known as Propane, a colorless, odorless hydrocarbon in the alkane family.
1.1.2 English name: C3H8 is also referred to as Propane in English.
1.2 Atomic unit: C3H8 contains 3 carbon atoms and 8 hydrogen atoms.
1.3 Atomic mass
1.3.1 Molecular structure: C3H8 has an atomic mass of 44.097 g/mol
1.4 Ion structure: C3H8 does not form ions as it is a non-polar hydrocarbon.

  1. Properties of C3H8

2.1 Physical properties of C3H8
State: Gas at room temperature
Color: Colorless
Smell: Odorless
pH: Not applicable as it is a gas
2.2 Chemical properties of C3H8: C3H8 is highly combustible in air, producing heat. It can also react with strong oxidizing agents.

  1. Common chemical equations for C3H8
    Combustion reaction: C3H8 + 5O2 -> 3CO2 + 4H2O
    Reaction with strong oxidizing agents such as Cl2: C3H8 + Cl2 -> C3H7Cl + HCl

  2. Preparation of C3H8

4.1 Laboratory preparation of C3H8: C3H8 is difficult to prepare in the lab as it is primarily produced from petroleum sources.
4.2 Industrial preparation of C3H8: C3H8 is typically separated from natural gas or produced during petroleum refining.

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